Six Aragon Tour
Six Aragon Tour

Original “Aragon” National Tour Cast to Star in SIX on Broadway

There are some new Broadway queens heading to the Lena Horne Theatre. Previously seen on the critically acclaimed “Aragon” National Tour, the new Broadway cast of SIX will star Khaila Wilcoxon as Catherine of Aragon, Storm Lever as Anne Boleyn, Jasmine Forsberg as Jane Seymour, Olivia Donalson as Anna of Cleves, Didi Romero as Katherine Howard, and Gabriela Carrillo as Catherine Parr. The new Queens will start performances on Tuesday, December 5, 2023. Wesley Carpenter and Sierra Fermin will also join the Broadway company as Alternates on December 5.

Jasmine Forsberg, Didi Romero, Khaila Wilcoxon, Storm Lever, Olivia Donalson, and Gabriela Carrillo in SIX. Photo by Joan Marcus.
Jasmine Forsberg, Didi Romero, Khaila Wilcoxon, Storm Lever, Olivia Donalson, and Gabriela Carrillo in SIX. Photo by Joan Marcus.

Current Broadway cast members Hailee Kaleem Wright (Catherine of Aragon), Leandra Ellis-Gaston (Anne Boleyn), Bella Coppola (Jane Seymour), Nasia Thomas (Anna of Cleves), Zoe Jensen (Katherine Howard), Taylor Iman Jones (Catherine Parr), and Alternate Holli’ Conway will play their final performance on Sunday, December 3. Alternates Ayla Ciccone-Burton, Kristina Leopold, Aubrey Matalon, and Cassie Silva will remain with the Broadway company.

From Tudor Queens to Pop Icons, the SIX wives of Henry VIII take the microphone to remix five hundred years of historical heartbreak into a euphoric celebration of 21st century girl power! This new original musical is the global sensation that everyone is losing their head over!

Learn More About SIX