The critically-acclaimed psychological thriller JOB, written by Max Wolf Friedlich, has started previews at the Hayes Theater and opens Tuesday, July 30, 2024 with a limited engagement through Sunday, September 29, 2024. Tickets for JOB are on sale now.
Directed by Michael Herwitz, the two-hander stars Succession alums Peter Friedman and Sydney Lemmon.
Jane (Lemmon), an employee at a big tech company (you know the one), has been placed on leave after becoming the subject of a viral video. She arrives in the office of a crisis therapist – Loyd (Friedman) – determined to be reinstated to the job that gives her life meaning. JOB zooms in on two careerists of different generations, genders, and political paradigms to examine what it means to be a citizen of the internet and our obligation to help the people who need it most.
Take a look at new production photos below.